GREAT BRITAIN British Medal: Order of St Michael & St George Companion silver & enamel cased
GREAT BRITAIN Order of St Michael & St George silver medal
The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, C.M.G., Companion’s neck badge, silver-gilt and enamel, in Spink & Son case of issue. Fitted with miniature-width silk ribbon and tapes, as correct for wear.
Of excellent quality manufacture, all enamel intact and the case in good, clean condition.
The Order was founded by George, Prince Regent, in 1818, and is often used to reward activity in the field of foreign relations.
The Central Chancery of Orders of Knighthood transferred the contract for manufacturing the insignia to Spink and Son during the second half of the nineteen-fifties; judging by the style of the case and manufacturer's logo this piece is likely to date from the earlier days of that firm's tenure.